4 Factory Accidents You Need To Know About

Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by

4 Factory Accidents You Need To Know About

There are many different accident types that can occur in a factory, with some potentially being more serious than others.  Here are four of the most common accident types that can occur within a factory that can be eligible for a personal injury claim. 

If you work in a factory you need to know about these common factory accidents to equip yourself with knowledge in avoiding potentially hazardous situations.

If you have been injured in a different accident type that wasn’t your fault, that isn’t mentioned here contact us to seek compensation as your claim is just as valid. 

1. Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents

One of the most common accident types within any work environment is a slip, trip and fall accident. This accident commonly occurs within the workplace due to the floor being slippery or there being an object left to obstruct a walkway. There are certain precautions that should be taken to ensure that these sorts of accidents do not happen within a factory. For example, if a floor has recently been cleaned, a sign should be placed at this area to highlight that the floor is wet. If this does not happen then the company could be held accountable for any employees that slip and are injured. Similarly, if there are any spills, they should be cleaned up immediately and no items should be left to obstruct walkways. Injuries from these sorts of accidents can range from minor to severe, including broken bones and lacerations. 

2. Heavy Machinery Accidents

A heavy machinery accident can often be very traumatic for anyone involved and anyone who witnesses the event. This sort of accident type usually refers to a body part getting stuck in the machine or someone being crushed by a machine. Therefore, the injuries and resulting trauma for this sort of accident can often be severe and potentially debilitating. If you have suffered this type of accident, you may be unable to return to your current job role which may mean a permanent loss of income. If you have lost income or have had to pay for any additional costs like special treatment, it may be possible to recuperate these costs through compensation. Compensation may be able to cover psychological treatment if the accident has had a severe impact upon your mental health. 

3. Repetitive Strain Injuries

This sort of injury does not necessarily refer to one specific incident. Instead, repetitive strain injuries develop over a long period of time due to factory workers performing the same action over and over. When you continuously repeat the same action time and time again, this can cause the soft tissues within your body to wear down. When the soft body tissues are damaged, this provides less cushioning which can therefore cause pain and discomfort and make it more difficult to repeat certain actions. Therefore, there are certain steps that employers should take to ensure that their staff do not suffer these sorts of injuries. 

Employers should ensure that regular breaks are taken by employees, as well as ensuring that tasks are swapped over regularly between employees so that no one is completing the same action for the entire day. Similarly, proper training should be given about how to complete repetitive tasks, such as manual handling, to decrease the likelihood of a repetitive strain injury occurring due to poor technique. 

4. Falling Object Injuries

Another common accident type is the falling object accident, which commonly occurs due to items not being stacked properly. Falling object injuries can be quite serious due to the fact that the falling object has the potential to hit someone on the head and it could’ve fallen from a great height and be quite heavy. To avoid these sorts of accidents, which could potentially cause brain damage or be fatal, employees should ensure that they store items away correctly to avoid the item falling. Items should also not be stored on shelves which could potentially break or fall over and heavy items should not be stored on shelves which are too structurally weak to support their weight. Employers should be trained and be aware of the proper places and techniques with which to store different items. 

If you have been injured due to any of the accident types listed above, you should contact us if you believe that the accident was not your fault. We will assess your case and determine how much compensation you are likely to be owed based upon the details of your case.

Making Personal Injury Claims

You may be entitled to compensation for a range of compensation claims under accident claims. Our experts will help assess your potential claim going forwards and provide you with proficient advice.

Contact First Personal Injury to discuss your potential compensation claim today by ringing 0333 358 2345 or by filling out the online claims form.

Contact our specialist team to begin the claims process, either by phone on 0333 358 2345 or through our online form