When Should You Contact the Police Due to a Car Accident

In the United Kingdom, you should contact the police when you’re involved in a car accident under certain circumstances. Here are the main reasons and instances when it’s advisable to contact the police:


Injuries: If anyone involved in the accident, including yourself, has sustained injuries, it’s important to contact the police immediately. The police can assist in coordinating emergency medical services and ensure that injuries are properly documented.


Fatalities: In the tragic event of a fatal car accident, it’s crucial to call the police immediately. They will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause and gather evidence for any potential legal proceedings.


Hit and Run: If the other driver involved in the accident flees the scene without providing their information, you should report the incident to the police. Hit-and-run accidents are illegal, and the police will investigate to identify and locate the responsible party.


Suspected Criminal Activity: If the accident involved criminal activity such as driving under the influence (DUI), reckless driving, or any other unlawful behaviour, it should be reported to the police.


Disputed Liability: When there is a dispute about who is at fault for the accident and the parties involved cannot agree, it’s a good idea to involve the police. They can assess the situation, interview witnesses, and create an official accident report that may help clarify liability.


Uninsured or Uncooperative Drivers: If the other driver does not have insurance, refuses to provide insurance information, or is uncooperative, it’s advisable to involve the police. They can help in gathering the necessary information and ensuring that the responsible party complies with the law.


Damaged Property or Obstruction: If the accident has caused significant damage to public property, such as traffic signs, signals, or road barriers, or if the accident has obstructed traffic flow, the police should be contacted to ensure public safety and address the property damage.


Road Safety Concerns: If the location of the accident poses ongoing road safety concerns, such as a hazardous spill or debris on the road, the police can assist in managing the situation and making the road safe for other motorists.


In the UK, you can contact the police by calling the non-emergency number 101. In cases of immediate danger, serious injuries, or emergencies, you should dial 999 to request immediate police and medical assistance.


It’s generally a good practice to contact the police whenever there are doubts or concerns about the circumstances surrounding a car accident, as their involvement can help ensure a proper investigation, accurate documentation, and the protection of everyone involved. Additionally, having a police report can be valuable when filing insurance claims or pursuing legal action.