Delivery Driver Case Study

Over £17,000 in compensation

Case Study/ Delivery Driver

Key Facts

  • Injury Summary

    Fractured Arm

  • Case Resolution

    £17,500 awarded

    Make a claim

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    Our client was delivering food to a customer. The customer had a steep driveway that was unlit. The client slipped and fell on their right arm. They went to the hospital where they were given an x-ray and medical attention. The client contacted us in November 2018 to make a personal injury claim.


    The client suffered a fractured arm requiring surgery. They also required time off work and as they could no longer use an arm they could not find a suitable position, as a result, they had to leave their employment.


    Our client instructed us in 2018. The claim was settled in February 2022 for £17,500 including special damages such as a loss of earnings