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Average Settlement for a Fractured Sternum

02 Jan 2019

Average Settlement for a Fractured Sternum

The sternum, otherwise known as the breastbone, is a vertical bone at the centre of your chest that connects your collarbones and upper ribs. Along with the pectoral muscles, your sternum protects critical organs, bones and your spinal column from injury.

Because of this, if your sternum is broken, you may suffer other complications that require extended medical care and prolong your recovery time.

To learn more about the average settlement for a fractured sternum, or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0333 358 2345 or contact us online.

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    Common Causes of a Fractured Sternum

    Sternum injuries are usually caused by accidents involving blunt trauma such as a car accident, a sporting accident or a fall. In many cases, fractured sternum injuries occur alongside another injury.

    Injuries to the chest, like a fractured sternum, can be very painful. The amount of pain you experience will depend on the type and severity of your sternum injury.

    A broken sternum is usually a self-limiting injury which gets better without the need for treatment or surgery. However, because you use your chest all the time when you breathe, it is difficult to rest it. Usually, it takes about 4-6 weeks to recover from a fractured sternum, with bruising taking between 2-4 weeks to heal.

    Returning to Work Following a Sternum Injury

    If your job involves a lot of manual handling or lifting, you are unlikely to be able to return to work while your sternum injury heals. When you do return to work, you may be restricted to light duties until you have completely recovered.

    If you have had to take time off work as a result of your injury, you may be able to claim loss of earnings as part of a personal injury claim.

    Average Settlement For a Fractured Sternum

    Because fractured sternum injuries often occur alongside another injury, it is difficult to predict the total amount of compensation you could receive. However, the figures below give you an idea of how much you might receive for your fractured sternum, only.



    • Mild sternum injury causing pain and some permanent damage.

      £9,575 – £13,650

    • Fracture of the ribs or damage to connecting tissue, causing serious pain and short-term disability

      Up to £3,150