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Formal Proceedings To Begin Against World Rugby

25 Jul 2022

A legal action against rugby's governing bodies has been started by former ex-rugby union players including rugby World Cup winner, Steve Thompson to sue for brain damage.

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    A massive lawsuit is being launched on Monday with over 180 rugby players intending to issue formal proceedings against the rugby authorities; World Rugby, the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) and the Rugby Football Union (RFU) for allegedly failing to protect players from the risks caused by concussion. The proceedings are being made on behalf of professional and semi-pro players and look set to be a multi-million-pound claim with many members of the group recently being diagnosed with the early signs of dementia, they say repeated blows to the head are to blame. The claimants say that the governing bodies were negligent in failing to take reasonable action to protect players from permanent injury caused by repetitive concussive and sub-concussive blows. The sport's authorities are accused of failing to:

    • Use expert medical advice on the risks of permanent brain damage and inform, educate and warn players.
    • Take any “proper” steps as the game turned pro to “respond to a disregard for player safety and brain health at the club and international level”.
    • Investigate the effects of collisions on the brain.
    • Reduce the amount of contact in training and the number of matches.
    • Keep or extend the mandatory 21-day stand-down period after a concussion, rather than reduce it.
    • Seek or follow expert medical or other advice available to them with regard to the risk of permanent brain injury.
    • Act on the knowledge that concussions often have delayed presentation and that the 5 or 10-minute assessments during a match were wholly inadequate.

    Rugby Injury Claims

    As in any contact sport, you may expect injuries to happen as a normal part of participating in rugby. However, sometimes players sustain an injury due to the negligence of another person. We may be able to help you claim compensation if you or a loved one has become injured on the rugby pitch call 0333 358 2345.