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Seatbelt Laws Still Being Flouted

Seatbelt Laws Still Being Flouted

Warwickshire Police ran a week long campaign last month to monitor and reprimand non-seatbelt wearers. Shockingly they stopped 207 people who were not wearing seatbelts. This marks a sharp increase from one year ago, when during the same campaign 129 people were given fixed penalty fines during the week long operation.

Law Demands That Seatbelts Be Worn In Front and Back Seats

The law is in place to protect road users and demands that people wear seatbelts, in the front and back seats, if a vehicle has them fitted.


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Chief Inspector Lewis, from the Warwickshire Force explained that, “All too often the emergency services have to see the additional carnage that results from collisions where people have not been wearing seat belts.

What could have resulted in minor whiplash injury can be escalated to a serious injury or death.

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