Do You Have A Claim Against The Council

Let us help you claim compensation!

Making a claim for compensation/ Who do I claim from/ Claims against the council

Claims against the council

Local councils and authorities have a legal responsibility to ensure people’s safety when they are on council property or land owned by the council. When a council fails to uphold that duty of care, people can easily suffer personal injuries due to being involved in an accident.

Further long-term health problems may result from these sorts of accidents, relating to the council failing to maintain pavements and roads, as well as school grounds and public parks. 

To learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0333 358 2345 or contact us online. 

    Make a claim

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    Making a claim against the council

    If a pothole has opened in the ground and a person happens to trip or fall and injure themselves as a result, this is ultimately down to a lack of care from the council. If a person falls over due to an uneven pavement, they will usually just have a few cuts and bruises but generally, no serious injuries will transpire. However, injuries can sometimes be more serious and distressing for the victim. No matter the severity of your injuries, if you believe that your accident was due to negligence on the part of your council, then you could be eligible to claim compensation. 

    Some more serious injuries that could be caused by a slip, trip and fall accident include: 

    • Broken or fractured bones
    • Blood clots
    • Significant skin lacerations
    • Concussion
    • Damaged eyesight or hearing

    Claims against the council

    Every year in the UK thousands of people are injured in accidents which take place in public areas that are owned by the council. If you or somebody you know has suffered an injury that you believe is due to a maintenance fault from the council, then you may be entitled to claim compensation. 

    However, there are certain pieces of evidence and facts related to your case which will need to be collected to substantiate your claim. You should collect photographs of the area where the incident happened. You should also highlight in the photographs with the use of a ruler the unevenness of the surface if that is what caused your accident. For example, if your accident was a slip, trip and fall accident then the uneven surface must have been sticking up more than an inch from the ground. If you were injured due to a pothole, then this pothole must have been more than an inch deep.  

    If the road or pavement was repaired soon after your accident and you do not have photographic evidence, which both highlights the problem and the location of the road or pavement, then you may not be able to claim compensation. However, even if you don’t have evidence, if you contact First Personal Injury, we will be able to explain in further detail about the logistics of making compensation claims against the council. In addition to photographs, it would be beneficial for your case if you could collect the names and contact details of any witnesses to the event. A police incident number should also be collected if the emergency services were involved.

    Amount of Compensation

    Compensation is determined individually for each case and so the only way to get an accurate estimate about the amount of compensation you are likely to be owed is to speak to a personal injury solicitor. However, there are certain general guidelines about compensation that can be drawn. For example, if your slip, trip and fall accident caused a wrist injury then you are likely to be owed anywhere between £2,810 – £47,720. If the fall caused a moderate injury to your pelvis or hip, then you could be owed anywhere between £10,040 – £31,220 depending upon the severity.

    To find out more about compensation for different injuries, take a look at our compensation calculator.

    However, it is important to note that compensation also takes additional costs relating to your accident into account. For example, if you have suffered financial losses due to being unable to return to work then you could be able to claim this loss back through compensation. To find out more and to assess your specific circumstances, speak to us.

    Making Personal Injury Claims

    If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation. First Personal Injury is available to assist you and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.  Contact our specialist team to begin the claims process, either by phone on 0333 358 2345 or through our online formTo learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0333 358 2345 or contact us online.