Cancer Misdiagnosed As A Hernia?

We can help you claim compensation

Medical Negligence / Cancer Misdiagnosed As A Hernia

Cancer Misdiagnosed As A Hernia?

If you have suffered something as severe as cancer misdiagnosed as a hernia, we are to help.


For a no-obligation initial discussion about your circumstances and to find out whether you have a claim, please feel free to call us on 0333 358 2345 or get in touch online.

    Make a claim

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    If you or a loved one have received a misdiagnosis of cancer mistaken as a hernia, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.  This misdiagnosis may have delayed treatment, caused pain, suffering or tragically led to the unfortunate event of an early death,

    There are two main types of medical misdiagnosis:

    • The first type is where a condition is completely undiagnosed by the doctor
    • The second type of misdiagnosis refers to an incorrect diagnosis. This might involve a person being given inappropriate treatment for their condition, making their symptoms worse.

    Cancer misdiagnosis claims can involve complex issues about who is at fault for your negligent treatment and what could have been done to diagnose your condition sooner. You may also be able to claim if you have lost a family member after negligent treatment or misdiagnosis



    Failure to identify the cancer and the subsequent delayed treatment may affect you in many ways. If you have to take time off from work this will result in loss of wages and other work-related benefits. This is likely to lead to stress and financial difficulties.

    In addition, you may also incur additional expenditures for doctor’s bills and hospital visits as well. You might also purchase pain-relieving and inflammatory medications. If it can be proved that the extra pain, inconvenience and expenses were a direct result of the cancer not being diagnosed properly, you may be entitled to claim compensation.


    If you believe that you have a claim contact First Personal Injury to discuss your claim today on 0333 358 2345 or, alternatively, fill out our online form.