Cinema Accident Claims

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Personal Injury/Injured in a Public Place/Cinema Accidents

Cinema Accident claims

Going to the cinema is a great way to relax and get lost in a world of stories for a little while. However, accidents can happen in cinemas, often due to the lighting, seats and stairs but there are other accidents that can happen that can lead to cinema accident claims.

    Make a claim

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    Cinema Injuries

    There are different injuries and accidents that could occur at a cinema including:  

    • Hearing Loss and tinnitus 
    • Back and Neck injuries  
    • Concussion 
    • Burns  
    • Soft tissue damage  
    • Fractures or Broken Bones 
    • Head and Brain injuries 
    • Sprains and Strains 



    Cinema screen rooms are dark however, aisleways and stairways should be lit to help you to avoid hazards.

    Trip and fall hazards

    This could be another customer or staff leaving items on the floor that can create a tripping hazard such as food or a bag.

    A wet floor  

    There could have been a spilt drink or a leak that staff have not cleaned up and no wet floor sign has been displayed. This could leave customers vulnerable to slipping on this hazard.

    Damaged Seats

    Seats can become worn down and faulty causing an injury.


    Food at a cinema such as popcorn, hotdogs, nachos and hot drinks could be served at too high a temperature causing burns and scalding. Cinema staff preparing these foods could also suffer burns from the hot equipment used to prepare the food and drink.   


    • Seek medical attention 
    • Report the accident to a member of staff at the cinema. They should record this in their accident book, which will be an essential piece of evidence when making a claim. You should ask for a copy of this record either at the time of reporting the accident or within a short time of the accident taking place. 
    • Take photographs of the scene and your injuries. 
    • Identify witnesses and take their details. 



    With the exception of children, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. This time limit begins from the date that the accident initially occurred.  Before a child turns eighteen years old it is possible to make a claim on their behalf at any time. The law stipulates that after the age of eighteen they only have three years in which to make a claim. If your child sustained an injury as a minor (under the age of 18), the claim must be submitted within 3 years of their 18th birthday. 

    CLAIMS AGAINST THE CINEMA, START TODAY  If you think you might have a case for claims against a cinema, then please contact us for informal advice. To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team.