Dioxin Poisoning

Claiming For Dioixin Poisoning

Industrial Injury and Diseases Compensation / Dioxin Poisoning

Dioxin poisoning claims often occur due to dioxin chemical exposure in the workplace. Dioxin chemicals generally have a very high toxic potential and can be very persistent in food or other environments.

    Make a claim

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    About Dioxins

    Dioxins are a group of compound chemicals that vary in their levels of toxicity. Dioxins can be created naturally but they are also created through man-made industrial processes like paper bleaching and the manufacture of metals and herbicides.

    Low levels of dioxins can also be found in hospital waste, domestic fires, car fumes and food. Therefore, most people are exposed to dioxins at some level. However, this exposure can become dangerous if it is excessive.

    There are many different types of dioxins in existence, with the most toxic being tetrachloodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). TCDD is often formed as a by-product of burning and so it can commonly be found in industrial manufacturing environments. Therefore, TCDDs can be found in the manufacturing of chemicals and pesticides, as well as in industrial household waste such as burnt coal or oil. The waste from these processes can often be difficult to dispose of.

    Exposure to Dioxins

    There are many different ways in which dioxins can enter your system, whether that is through ingestion, skin contact or the inhale of dust particles. The extent of the effects will depend upon how much exposure you have had and how you have come into contact with it. Sometimes symptoms are manifested as rashes, sickness and vomiting, kidney damage and even cancer in some cases.

    The presence of dioxins has minimised considerably due to legislation and protective measures being implemented in the workplace. This has meant that the number of people impacted by it has also reduced. However, exposure can still occur and if you have suffered as a result of dioxin exposure that was not your fault then you may be able to make a personal injury claim.

    Employers have a duty of care to protect their employees from the dangers of harmful chemicals and substances in the environment. They must provide personal protective equipment and ensure that risk assessments are undertaken in the workplace. Where there are dangerous chemicals present in the workplace, employers must abide by the Health and Safety Executive’s Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations. These regulations include providing control measures that reduce exposure and therefore the potential harm to employee’s health. If it can be proved that your employer has not complied with the HSE regulations and you have suffered an injury, then you may have a valid compensation claim.

    How Much Compensation?

    All personal injury cases are unique and so the amount of compensation that is awarded in each case is also unique. Compensation is understood by looking at two specific factors: general damages and special damages.

    General Damages

    The pain and suffering that your injuries have caused are main factors that are used to determine how much general damage compensation you are owed. This will usually be determined by undergoing a medical examination, from which a report is created that highlights the length of time the injuries will take to heal as well as their severity. Our compensation calculator will give you an indication of how much general damage compensation you might be entitled to based upon your injuries.

    Special Damages

    In addition to receiving compensation for your injuries, you may be able to reclaim any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your injuries. Compensation for financial losses is known as special damages compensation. This can include losses such as loss of earnings due to not being able to return to work, the cost of treatment as well as travel to treatment. It is important that you keep any receipts or evidence of additional losses in order for these to be reclaimed. With the exception of children, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. This time limit begins from the date that the accident initially occurred. Therefore, you should contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible to assess your case.

    Making Personal Injury Claims

    You may be entitled to compensation for a range of compensation claims under accident claims. Our experts will help assess your potential claim going forwards and provide you with proficient advice. Contact First Personal Injury to discuss your potential compensation claim today by ringing 0333 358 2345 or by filling out the online claims form.