Pizza Express Compensation Claims

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Injured in Public/Pizza Express

Claims Against Pizza Express

If you have been injured while eating or working at a restaurant, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. If you have suffered a slip, trip or fall, food poisoning or other accident that was not your fault contact us for advice, you can trust us to take expert care of everything for you.

    Make a claim

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    If you have become injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, we’ll guide you through the claims process from start to finish and make sure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. If you have been involved in an accident at work or in a public place such as a restaurant then contact us on 0333 358 2345 or get in touch online.

    Accidents in Pizza Express

    Restaurants have a duty of care to their customers. if you have been injured whilst working or dining in a restaurant you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

    Common Types of Accidents

    There are several kinds of possible accidents, including:

    • Burns from hot food, drinks, or cooking appliances.
    • Cuts from kitchen utensils or sharp objects
    • Slip, trips, or falls, caused by, for example, loose items on the floor, spillages, or defective flooring potentially resulting in bruising, cuts, scrapes, fractured or broken bones, and head injuries.
    • Food poisoning
    • Falls downstairs

    How to Claim Against Pizza Express

    If you are injured as a customer or employee, there are a number of steps you should take if you are considering making a personal injury claim. Firstly you should make sure that your accident has been formally recorded. Report the incident to a member of staff or, if you are an employee, your supervisor, and ask that it is recorded in the accident book. You must seek medical attention for your injury as soon as possible. This is especially important if your injuries are serious such as burn injuries. When making any kind of accident claim, it is essential that you have a specialist on your side. It’s also important to start the legal process as soon as possible, as you have just three years from the date of your accident in which to make a claim. If you are a minor or are a parent or guardian who wishes to claim on behalf of a child, the three-year timeframe begins on the date of their eighteenth birthday.

    Amount of compensation in claims against Pizza Express

    As all personal injury cases are unique, the amount of compensation awarded is different for every case. The amount awarded looks at general damages and special damage image.png

    Claims against Pizza Express, Start today

    Our experts at First Personal Injury are well-experienced in dealing with a range of different case types. We understand how traumatic sustaining an injury can be and want to make the process of claiming compensation as stress-free as possible.