Have You Suffered An Injury At Iceland?

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Personal injury/Supermarket accidents/Claims against Iceland

Iceland Compensation Claims

Whether you were a customer or an employee, if you have been injured while in supermarket, you could be eligible to make a supermarket accident claim. To find out how much compensation you are eligible to claim, you should contact First Personal Injury directly.

Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 2345 or contacting us online.

    Make a claim

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    Iceland’s Duty of Care

    If you have been injured while in a supermarket, you should tell a manager or ask the closest staff member to alert a manager for you. The manager should then be able to help you fill in an accident report in the accident book, a document that all businesses are legally required to have. It is important that you check this report carefully in order to make sure that it records the circumstances of your accident accurately.

    Types of Accidents In Iceland

    Certain types of accidents are more likely to happen in supermarkets. Some of the more common accident types that are likely to occur on the premises of a supermarket include:

    • Slip, trip and fall accidents – these accident types can occur because of obstacles being placed in walkways or because of wet/slippery floors.
    • Falling object accidents – you could potentially be injured due to an object falling off a heavy shelf. While this type of accident is more likely to happen to a staff member in the store, this could also affect a customer.
    • Car park accidents – you could be hit by a car or by a trolley while in the car park. Some car park accidents may be the fault of an individual, such as a car collision, rather than the supermarkets. However, other incident, such as an accident caused by a pothole within the carpark, could be the fault of the supermarket for failing to maintain their premises.

    If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault while in a supermarket, you deserve to claim compensation for your injuries. Contact First Personal Injury today to determine how much compensation you are eligible to claim.

    With the exception of children, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. Therefore, you should contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible to assess your case.

    Compensation For An Iceland Accident Claim

    The amount of compensation awarded is unique to each specific case. Compensation amounts are determined by assessing the amount of pain and suffering that someone has experienced due to their injuries. This is usually assessed by determining the severity of the injuries, their long-term impact and the length of time that it will take for the injuries to heal. Therefore, the compensation that is awarded in each case will be an individual amount, determined by looking at the specific details of the case.

    Furthermore, compensation also assesses whether any loss of function has occurred due to the incident. For example, if you are unable to complete tasks as you would prior to the incident then it may be possible to account for this through compensation. To view general compensation estimates for different injury types, visit our compensation calculator.

    Compensation will also take financial losses into account. If you have had to pay for treatment, have lost income due to being unable to work or have incurred any other costs, then it may be possible to recuperate these through compensation. Therefore, you should keep any receipts or other documents that outline financial losses that have occurred due to your injuries/the accident.

    How Much Compensation?


    Making Personal Injury Claims

    If you have been injured due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our specialist team to begin the claims process, either by phone on 0333 358 2345 or through our online form.