Clinical Negligence Case Study

Client received £20,000 in compensation

Case Study / Medical Negligence

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    After falling our client’s broken heel was not diagnosed causing a second fall where our client suffered serious injuries requiring surgery.


    Case settled in May 2020, £20,000 awarded.

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    In 2018 our client had a fall at home and ended up in hospital. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with a broken ankle and sent home.

    The hospital missed that our client had also broken her heel. Our client then suffered a second accident as she had serious balance issues since the broken heel had not been diagnosed.

    Our client was left with severe injuries after her second fall which required her to have surgery.

    Our client instructed Jefferies in 2018 and the head of our clinical negligence team, Nadine Elkin investigated their claim. It was found that clinical negligence had taken place.

    The claim settled in May 2020 for £20,000. While this amount cannot erase the distress our client experienced, it goes some way in bringing a degree of closure to their suffering.


    If you, like Margaret, have experienced negligence, you might be entitled to claim clinical negligence compensation.