Football Accident Case Study

£11,000 Awarded In Compensation

Case Study/ Football Accident Case Study

Key Facts

  • Injury Summary

    Knee Laceration and Scarring

  • Case Resolution

    Case settled in January 2022, £11,000 awarded

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    The Accident

    In November 2020, our client was playing in a football match on a local pitch. During the game, the client went to ground to try and keep the ball in play on the halfway line, near the touchline. The client caught their knee on a drain that was hidden by grass and white lines on the football pitch itself, and as a result, had the top of their knee cap cut off by the drain.   The football pitch was council-owned, and it was their responsibility to ensure the pitch is fit for purpose and safe to play on. Therefore, our client made a claim against his local council as a result of his injury.  


    As a result of the accident, our client suffered knee lacerations that required surgery and scaring.  

    Case Resolution

    Our client instructed FPI in November 2021 and was represented by Case handler Emma Hughes

    The claim was settled in January 2022 for £11,000.    

    Of their experience in claiming with FPI. Our client said, “The process was simple, straightforward, and stress-free. Emma Hughes particularly took care of me from start to finish making sure I was never left in the dark. Credit where credit’s due! Many thanks”.

    Football Accident?

    If you have experienced a football accident then you might be entitled to claim compensation. Trust us to take expert care of everything for you.