Have you suffered an accident at Luton Airport?

We can help you claim compensation

Personal injury/Airport injury claims/ Luton Airport

Luton Airport Accident Claims

Whether you were an employee or a customer if you have suffered an injury while in Luton Airport you deserve to be compensated for your injuries. 

You can call us on 0333 358 2345 or contact us online where we will assess your right to claim.

    Make a claim

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    Work Accidents At Luton Airport

    There are many different job roles that are filled within the airport to keep it running smoothly. Some common roles that are filled within an airport include:

    • Shop assistant
    • Air Traffic Controller
    • Technician
    • Restaurant worker
    • Baggage handler
    • Passenger Service Agent
    • Airport planner
    • Cabin crew
    • Airline representative
    • Security Personnel

    You deserve to feel safe in your chosen job and your employer has a legal duty of care to make sure that the safety regulations regarding your specific job are upheld. For example, if you need special training or equipment to do your job, this should be provided to you before you start working.

    Luton Airport Baggage Handler Accidents

    Due to the fact that baggage handlers are often performing handling and manual lifting, their job role can be quite accident-prone. If you are a baggage handler, your employer should protect your safety by performing certain safety precautions:

    • Proper staff training so that every baggage handler can effectively lift and carry luggage or other items.
    • Regular swapping of tasks to avoid too much repetition of movement which could cause strain or a more severe injury.
    • Training is provided to know how to effectively use any equipment, such as belt loaders, which is provided to help load equipment into and out of the hold.
    • Access to adequate breaks and water.

    Provision of necessary equipment for safety such as ear protection if you work in a loud area or work boots to protect your feet from falling objects.

    If your employer has failed to follow out these safety precautions, you may be able to claim for any injuries that have been sustained due to this negligence.  Contact First Personal Injury on 0333 358 2345 or online.

    Other Possible Accidents


    The airport environment is rife for slip, trip or fall accidents due to the fact that people are moving about a lot and there is a lot of luggage in the area which can easily be tripped over. If you have suffered a slip, trip or fall accident at an airport that was not your fault you may be able to claim airport accident compensation.


    If you have suffered an injury due to luggage falling off the luggage trolley or the baggage carousel, then you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries. If you have been injured due to a collision with a moving luggage trolley, which could possibly cause a more severe injury, then please contact First Personal Injury to assess your case.


    Shuttlebus accidents can often be quite severe in the type of injury that you sustain. A common injury that you might experience due to a shuttlebus accident is whiplash. Whether you were an employee or customer at the airport, this does not matter as long as the accident was not your fault. First Personal Injury can assess your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.


    While these types of accidents are less common due to the fact that they often require a severe mechanical failure, the types of injuries sustained in this sort of accident can be quite severe. If you have been injured due to elevator failure or while on a moving travellator, you might be owed compensation if the injury was not your fault.


    If you are eating at a restaurant or buying pre-packaged food you should have access to allergy and ingredient information, either from staff or the packaging, to ensure that you won’t suffer an allergic reaction. If you have suffered an allergic reaction due to eating restaurant or pre-packaged food purchased at an airport, contact First Personal Injury to assess how much compensation you could be owed.

    Pre-packaged food should contain accurate ingredient information on its packaging to ensure that you do not suffer an allergic reaction as you know what you are putting into your body and can, therefore, avoid food that contains an ingredient that might make you ill. Restaurants should also be able to provide proper ingredient or preparation information so you can limit your risk of suffering an allergic reaction. If you suffered an allergic reaction due to a lack of information despite asking for it or informing staff of your allergy, or if the information given was incorrect, you may be able to make an allergic reaction claim.

    Depending upon the specific circumstances of your case, the claim may not be against the airport specifically but perhaps a company or vendor that operates within their premises.

    Receipts from any food that was purchased inside of an airport should be kept to use as evidence in your case. Furthermore, you should seek medical attention as soon as you notice that you are unwell for your own safety.

    Making A Claim Against Luton Airport

    No matter the scenario in which you suffered your injury at an airport, you deserve to get any compensation that you are owed as a result of negligent behaviour on the part of someone else. Compensation will cover the initial injuries that you sustained but compensation should also cover the way that these injuries have impacted upon your life. For example, if you have experienced a loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work, you might be able to cover this as a result.

    Making Personal Injury Claims

    If you have suffered a personal injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation. First Personal Injury is available to assist you and help win any compensation that you deserve.

    Contact our specialist team to begin the process, either by phone on 0333 358 2345 or through our online form.